Friday, September 18, 2009

Processing Holy Land Tour - 3

We visited many churches on our tour of the Holy Land. There was the church at the Shepherds field, the church of the Nativity, the tear drop church, the church of the Holy Sepulcher, and St. Anne church to name a few. Some were very old and dark, others were very beautiful. Some had great acoustics and some were decorated with amazing painting and pictures. All of them commemorated a place or a time in the life and ministry of Jesus or an event in the Word.

Many of these churches are full of religion and religious activities. I saw many people who were very attached to religious practices. I saw the kissing of stones, pictures, and icons as well as many lit candles.

I appreciated seeing the churches, their great architecture, and the many furnishings. However my heart was not stirred by these places built by man, nor was my heart stirred by the religious practices of many. My heart was stirred by the reality that the Word of God had come alive in the person and work of Jesus Christ in this area, near to these places. I was reminded once more that it is not about religion but it is about a relationship. Not just any relationship but a relationship with Jesus Christ. I pray that you have a relationship with the Lord and that you are constantly working on making that relationship better.