Friday, September 4, 2009

A journey to the Holy Land days 1 &2

Wow! We are here.  We had a very long but safe and uneventful journey.  I didn't sleep much Wed. before we left and just a few minutes on the plane so I am about spent.  It is noon at home and 7:00 pm here.  We are about to have dinner here at the hotel then call it a day.  We have a very long day planned for tomorrow. 

My heart is so wide open to receive from the Lord on this trip. Julie our host encouraged us to ask God to open our hearts to what He desires to teach us.  My openness is from two sides.  I want to walk where Jesus walked and learn what the Lord desires to teach me.  It is going to be so amazing to see where so much of the Bible unfolded. My heart is open to the missions aspect of this trip as well. There is such a mission field in the Holy Land.   Our guide told us today that there is only 1.4 % of the Palestinians that are believers. What a mission field.  Where will my greatest inspiration come from walking where Jesus walked or seeing a whitened harvest field?  Lord Bless I pray.  


Unknown said...

Glad to hear you made it safely to the Holy Land!! We will be praying with you that God will show you whatever he wants to leave with you both on this trip..How AWESOME!! Take Care!! :-)

w.g. smith said...

Thanks for taking the time to write to us back home.... You and Becky enjoy/ be blessed and STAY safe...


Betsy Kramer said...

Glad you guys got there safely. I was suppose to get a call from the gang but didn't so was extremely happy when I read your post. Let God open your eyes to what he wants you to learn so that you can continue your mission to teach us.