Thursday, September 10, 2009

Continuing on

We did a lot of traveling today.  We left Nazareth for the Golan Heights area.  We visited Caesarea Philippi looking at some of the ruins of the city reading about our Lord's ministry there.  We went up to the Hermon springs.  It is one of the three springs that feeds the Jordan river its water.  There were some ruins from the mythology time period there. 
We drove into the Jezreel valley and up to Megiddo.  There is where we believe that Armegeddon will take place.  What a massive valley you see before you from Megiddo. We viewed some ruins from King Solomon's time.  We ended our tour there decending into the cave to see the water system set up to supply water for that ancient city.  Water is such an important part of Life. 
I have drank a lot of water this week.  It is very refreshing in the hot sunshine.  I am also being refreshed and renewed at the Springs of Living Water.  True satisfaction for the soul comes when we drink at the Springs of Living Water.  Take a drink today and be refreshed.


w.g. smith said...

I will be drinking today as well Joe. it's rainy back here in central PA. Sounds like you are enjoying the journey and exploring some great finds there in the Land of our Lord! Stay safe ......

walt smith

Pastor Frank said...

All I know Joe is the place of Israel gets in you... somehow... you never forget and God talks to you and these images come. It worked that way for me. Also Israel calls me from time to time... a need to come back to my second home.

w.g. smith said...

Hey Joe..... I went by the hospital to pray for one of your parishioners and the father of one of our parishioners.... Lee Briggs.... doesn't seem to be doing to well... in ICU... trust that was okay brother

walt smith