Sunday, September 6, 2009

Israel Trip Day 3

We had an amazing day for our first full day in Bethlehem. It was long and tiring but worth every step. We jumped in our bus and traveled about 6 miles to the Mount of Olives. We looked across the Kidron valley to the other hillside at the city of Jerusalem. What an amazing view. Then our journey began. We began our decent at an angle to the right. We stopped at the tear drop church commemorating the place where Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem. We read from Luke 19 about Jesus weeping about Jerusalem, and Revelation 21 about the new heaven, the new earth, and the new Jerusalem. Proceeding down the hill we visited the Garden of Gethsemane, the garden grove where Jesus prayed Lord if it be possible let this cup pass from me. Walking onto the city of Jerusalem. We visited the pool of Bethesada. We walked the Via Dolorosa, the way of suffering stopping at all of the stations of the cross. visited Mount Calvary and the church of the Holy Sepulcher. We visited the upper room before we left Jerusalem.

We returned to our hotel, freshened up a bit then went and did a little shopping. Ate a late dinner at the hotel and called it a day.

I sense in my heart at so many of these sights much religion and tradition. Large church complexes have been built at so many of these sights. They are very old and very large but also hold so much tradition. I pray Lord let there be a relationship here with the one we are honoring at these places.

Today we are visiting the Palestinian church to worship with them. This is the church that Julie was a part of during her stay here in Bethlehem. It is small church but the people are so excited to be meeting us. Pray for me because I have been invited to share a brief thought, testimony with them. Psalms 24:1, “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.”

Be blessed this Lord’s day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The places you saw today, are amazing..that is really cool to have walked where our Lord was and prayed and wept and even walked to his death for us...amazing...we are enjoying reading everywhere you have visited and experienced..Thanks for keeping us updated! :-)