Monday, August 31, 2009

The Cart Before The Horse

Perhaps I got the cart before the horse. Before I blogged about the Holy Family Hotel and walking where Jesus walked in Israel I should have shared that my wife and I are blessed to be taking a trip to Israel. I was assuming that everyone who might read this would know that bit of information. There will be 10 of us leaving in 3 days for a 10 day tour. We are expecting to have a blessed time.

My jottings will likely take on the form of a journal over the next 2 weeks. I am looking forward to sharing thoughts and inspirations from this trip. My mind and heart is beginning to race with excitement.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Holy Family Hotel

We will be staying at the Holy Family Hotel in Bethlehem for the majority of our stay in Israel. That name stands out to me bringing back memories.

After I spoke at a Lenten lunch several years back I was approached by Father Tom one of my pastor friends in town who said that he never thought he would see the day that the Assembly Of God pastor spoke on the holy family. I quickly understood that he was talking about Mary, Joseph, and Jesus the earthly family of our Savior Jesus Christ. I spoke about Mary and Joseph taking their 12 year old son to the Passover. I briefly shared about their short coming in leaving Him behind sharing how important it is that we keep our eyes on Jesus.

I then realized the emphasis that he was placing on this entire family unit. I have deep love and respect for Mary and Joseph our Lord’s earthly parents but my heart belongs to Jesus. I believe that the greatest blessing of this trip will not be staying at the Holy Family Hotel but will be walking where Jesus walked.

Friday, August 28, 2009

It is time.

It is time to get with the program.  I have thought about and started to develop a blog last spring when I was transitioning to Hollentown.  I even set up an account, made a post or two, didn't really tell anyone I started a blog, then dropped the ball.  My goal is to be somewhat consistent in jotting down some brief, inspirational, encouraging, and thought provoking notes to share. 

My motto in life is the brief thought I am choosing to share today:  "Live & Love Like Jesus".