Monday, February 14, 2011


ROMANS 5:5B-11
We read tonight’s verses as we closed this morning.    
We are going to pick up tonight with why this hope doesn’t disappoint us. 
The answer is because of God’s love.
Because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
I am going to build our thoughts around verse 6 completing this sentence three times.
God’s love

I.    Knows the right time

A.    You see at just the right time….

The birth of Jesus was at the right time.
Galatians 4:4,5
Luke 2:6

The death of Christ was at the right time.
Matthew 26:18
Luke 17:22

The 2nd coming of Christ will be at the right time. 
Mark 13:26-33
Luke 21:8
Luke 21:27

B.    God’s love knows the right time in your life and in mine.
Sometimes we might wonder.
Sometimes we think His time is off. 
Many times we wish his timing better suited ours. 

II.    Can overcome our weakness

A.    When we were still powerless. 
We have seen here in Romans that we were powerless to save ourselves. 
There is none righteous
All have sinned.
The law offered no life or hope.

B.    When I am weak then He is strong. 
His strength is made perfect in our weakness. 
II Corinthians 12:9-11

C.    We need to let his love overcome our weakness.
Don’t fight our weakness.

III.    Was demonstrated by death

A.    “Christ died for the ungodly.”
Verse 7
Verse 8  While we were still sinners, still an enemy of God Christ died to make us a friend of God.

B.    Verse 10,11 says that we were reconciled to Him. 

This love of God ultimately results in rejoicing. 
Verse 11
I thank God for his peace, grace, and hope.
I also thank Him for his great love that has done these things for us.

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