Wednesday, January 12, 2011


We are working our way to Romans 3:21-24
We still have more territory to cover to get there.
Paul is driving home the point to the Romans and to all, that apart from this righteousness of God we are terribly lost.
Have you ever been scolded or put in your place?   That is not fun.  In your mind all dad needed to say was I thought I told you not to do this or that.  But dad thinks you need a 25 minute lecture.  We are probably crying uncle. I get it Paul.  Enough already.  But Paul is saying I am not done yet. 
Since Paul is not done yet and I have chosen to go chapter by chapter each week.  I guess we can’t be done yet either. 
So let’s pick up where we left off and more on and learn from the apostle here. 
In the pledge to the American flag we say at the end of the pledge and justice for all.
Because we are in Romans 2 I am saying liberty is yet to come but right now it is judgment for all.      

I.    Those under the law will be judged.

A.    “All who sin under the law will be judged by the law.”
Those under the law have no advantage over those not under the law.   
It is important for us to understand that.
Sinning under the law is not doing what the law commands to do.
Those failing to do the law are guilty of breaking the law therefore judged by it.
Hearing the law is not the ticket to salvation or the lack of judgment.
We were told the other day that the US House Of Representatives were reading aloud the constitution of the USA. 
There was excitement in the air.
But reading the constitution is not going to change anything. 
One thing about the Mosaic law is that a law breaker is just that a law breaker. 
The judgment is all the same.
The wages of sin is death.
You break the law you die.
Whether I was going 1 mile an hour over the speed limit or 31 I was breaking the law.
There is no graduated system of penalty. 

B.    The faults that we can find with those under the law.

The first fatal flaw is pride. In Romans 2:17-18, we see that the Jewish people had been given four advantages that ultimately led to arrogance: “Now you, if you call yourself a Jew; if you rely on the law and brag about your relationship to God; if you know his will and approve of what is superior because you are instructed by the law.”

Fatal Flaw #2: Presumption (19-20). When pride captures our heart, we then feel compelled to act like presumptive prophets by focusing on others, making people know how much we know.

Fatal Flaw #3: Pretenders (21-22). They loved to point out the problems that others had, but they were in the group Jesus warned others about in Matthew 23:3, “Do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.” They were quick to find fault with others while quickly forgiving their own. Take a look at verses 21-22: “You, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal? You who say that people should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples?”

Fatal Flaw #4: Profaning (23-24). Once pride takes root, we become filled with presumption and start blasting others, when in fact we’re just pretenders who end up profaning the holy name of God. This can have disastrous consequences in two areas. First, verse 23 states: “You who brag about the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law?” C.    To those much is given much is required.

II.    Those not under the law will be judged.

A.    Verses 14-16 tell us why.

B.    Our own law.
We don’t have a written law.
But Paul says by nature we know some right and wrong.
So in a sense we become a law unto our self.
But we all have a law.
Every home has a list of laws.  They may not be written on the wall inside the door.   But you can tell by the look, by the comment, by what you may hear later that you broke the law.   You know what I am talking about.  I know what door to go to.  I know if I take my shoes off the moment I enter the door.  I know if I even knock on the door. 
Every church has their laws.  They may not all be written but.  You don’t sit where Aunt Susie has her cushion.  I sat in a man’s seat the Sunday we candidated in Lock Haven. 
The point is there is a lot of laws that are not written.
Break them and you are judged. 

III.    Those hiding from the law will be judged.  Verse 16

A.    There is a judgment day.

B.    We will be able to hide nothing on that day.
God will judge man’s secrets.
Notice that judging will be through Jesus Christ.

C.    God’s judgment is compressive.
It has every side of the story.

IV.    What in our heart makes it so hard for us to understand? 
What do we need to be careful of?

The 4 things that I mentioned earlier.

A.    Pride

B.    Presumption

C.    Pretending

D.    Profaning

I want to hear well done. 

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