Friday, December 11, 2009


Paul continues to emphasize to the Galatians  that we are justified by faith, that the righteous live by faith,  that is about trusting and not trying.   This is a part of his effort to combat the Jewish believers that came to Galatia teaching that obeying the law is a requirement to salvation.
In today’s verses Paul is saying that it is all about the promised seed of Abraham.   Paul emphasizes that the law came to show us the expectation of the Holy God, to put us into protective custody until the promise came, therefore leading us to Christ.  The law could be compared to an x ray machine that reveals the problem but is not the solution.  It has also been compared to a light that shows the dirt but it is not the broom that sweeps it up.   Therefore the law does not set aside the promise.  The promise has priority over the law.  The promise is the solution to the problem. 

The promised seed of Abraham is the key to our new life, our righteousness, our eternal inheritance, and so much more.  We are getting nearer to the celebration of the birth of that Promised seed.  I am so glad for that seed, Jesus Christ.  I am so thrilled to be an offspring of that seed who has done so much for me.   Thank you Lord for your Son.

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